Carolina Orjuela


Bogotá D.C

Carolina is a lawyer graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Universidad La Gran Colombia and a specialist in Constitutional and Administrative Law from the Universidad Católica de Colombia.
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About Carolina

  • Biography

    Carolina is a lawyer graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Universidad La Gran Colombia and a specialist in Constitutional and Administrative Law from the Universidad Católica de Colombia.

    During her career, she has represented in several  judicial proceedings different insurance companies before the civil and administrative Colombian courts.

    Additionally, she has extensive knowledge of the national arbitration procedure due to her performance as legal assistant to arbitrators and secretaries of the Arbitration Center from the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá.

Sector Expertise
  • Insurance

Office Location

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Bogotá D.C

  • Carrera 11 No. 79-52
  • Oficina 802 Bogotá D.C.
  • Colombia.

+57 (601) 7443264

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Eficacia de exclusiones en el contrato de seguro, al margen de su ubicación en el texto de la póliza